And, for my husband, according to the Man's Guide to Baby Development:

I am pregnant.com states that this week:
Most women have gained up to 14 pounds now and only 7 ounces of that is your baby!
I guess that doesn't include me. I have lost 0.8 lbs last week. However, according to last ultrasound, baby was growing still, so I am not going to worry. Also have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and an ulrasound Friday, so we'll sure everything looks good.
Your baby's oversized head shows the brain's importance in his development. Because the nerves that connect the muscles to the brain have grown into place, your baby's movements are consciously directed. Your baby's ears stand out from the sides of the head and the buds for your baby's permanent teeth appear. Your baby's arms and legs have reached their relative proportions and his feet are approximately one inch long.
Oversized head? That's the head I have to give birth to? These are words nightmares are made of, people!
We had a busy weekend. Saturday, we drove from home and back 4 times:
- To go pick up the matching stroller to the pack-n-play and swing we got off of Craigslist last month. The lady sold it to us for a third of the retail price. she also threw in a really good book, a travel changing pad and a newborn outfit. In a month or so, she'll also call me about the matching car seat. The book has a checklist of everything we absolutely need in the first year.
- Then, we came home, fed Smokey and went out to Arundel Mills to get Jeff's hair cut.
- Came home again to shower, headed out to Fells Point for lunch at John Stevens. The crab nachos were to die for! They'd put out a Groupon a while ago and we decided to use it. It was well worth the money. We then took the water taxi over to Fort McHenry and toured that joint. By this time though, both my back and under my ribs were hurting. Walking helped some but by an hour later, it was pretty bad. So, we headed home again.
- We had wanted to go to Babies 'R Us to look at a dresser on clearance. They wanted too much for something missing a knob and scratched up. So, instead of buying a dresser, we had dinner at CiCi's. By the end of the meal there, my pain was back with a vengeance. We got home around 7:30 and I think I was on the ground, trying to get into any comfortable position for 2 hours. We ended the night by watching the movie, The Road, which was probably NOT the best choice for a right before bedtime show.
That was just Saturday! Sunday, we went to Lowe's and got some paint for the baby's room. We painted one wall a really pale shade of blue. We liked it in the lamp light last night; I'll have to see when I get home how it looks in daylight :-)
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